Launch of the Photo Proof Pro website

Launch of the Photo Proof Pro website

More and more companies are using our universal mobile application and we thank you for it 🙌

We have built this mini-site to show you the field of possibilities allowed by our solution:

You have a particular need?
Our team analyzes your need and develops a custom scenario in the colors of your organization.

Photo Proof Pro is used today to obtain :

👉 Remote audits/expertise (raw material, goods, container, vehicle, construction, project)
👉 Entry/exit inventory of fixtures (real estate, automobile, movable, equipment loan)
👉 Geolocalized proof of presence (event, loading dock, meeting, AGM, field actions)
👉 Dematerialization of documents (digital twin of paper document, receipt, invoice)
👉 PDF reports generation (expertise report, CERFA form pre-filling, inventory of fixtures)
👉 Proof of an event (professional, humanitarian, sports, solidarity, educational, training)
👉 Proof of consent (transfer of responsibility, signature of an inventory of fixtures)
👉 Consistency / conformity checks (contradictory photo evidence, consistency with theoretical data)

Interested ?
Let’s talk about it!

UEFA Children’s Foundation begins its digital transformation with KeeeX

UEFA Children’s Foundation begins its digital transformation with KeeeX

KeeeX is very proud to assist the UEFA Children’s Foundation in its digital transformation through a participatory evaluation project.

Created in 2015, the UEFA Children’s Foundation supports projects that propose practical measures to help vulnerable children in the areas of sport, health, education, personal development and employment. To date, it has already funded 275 projects in 109 countries on six continents.

KeeeX proposed its Photo Proof Pro solution to enable a remote audit of projects with confidence to ensure that funding is used appropriately and that activities are in line with the mandate.

The on-site visit of an auditor was mandatory and although this task is essential, it nevertheless involves significant costs (in time and money) and has a negative impact on the environment. This is in addition to the current travel challenges created by the COVID19 pandemic.

A pilot project was launched in January 2021 in collaboration with three non-governmental organizations (NGOs) based respectively in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Jordan and Ukraine.

The UEFA Children’s Foundation entered the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) 2021 Awards with KeeeX. These awards recognise projects of excellence in the implementation of the WSIS outcomes, in particular with regard to the achievement of sustainable development goals (SDGs). The winners will be announced in May 2021.

The original article is available on the UEFA Children’s Foundation website at the following address :

The keeexed and verifiable press release is available by clicking on the following link : 

KeeeX for Digitizing your Processes

KeeeX for Digitizing your Processes

« When a man walks towards his destiny, he is often forced to change direction. »

Paulo Coelho

If managing the current crisis represents a real challenge for companies, the dematerialization of business processes becomes a necessity.

KeeeX allows to :

– Simplify your processes, reduce trips, enhance and accelerate your business.
– Comply with health regulations (including social distancing), anticipate risks, protect the health of your employees and collaborators.

KeeeX accompanies you in your digital transformation thanks to its solutions available and adapted to your needs.


Probative photos and videos (identity of the author, timestamp, integrity and geolocation).

Reduction of trips.
Time and financial savings.


Electronic signatures and multi-signatures of documents.

Reduction of trips.
Optimization of deadlines.
Limitation of the physical contamination risks.


Traceability of a product, an object or an entire process.

Simplification of business processes.
Increase in productivity.


Secure and encrypted document sharing.

Time saving.
Optimal safety.
Limitation of the physical contamination risks.

For more information, please contact us by clicking here.

KeeeX Provides Ultimate Teleworking Solutions

KeeeX Provides Ultimate Teleworking Solutions

KeeeX offers a unique set of teleworking solutions:
KeeeX Photo Proof Pro allows the collection of proof of activity and remote audit in the form of photographs, videos, forms, points of passage, summary documents that are permanently unalterable and authenticated.
KaaaS allows the creation, secure sharing and digital signature request of forgery-proof files in conditions that are not only totally dematerialized, but also avoid any risk of impersonation (such as “president fraud”).
KeeeX Stories allows for the tamper-proof digitization of event, data and document sequences, including in relations with your partners.

Free to use artwork thanks to Daria Shevtsova at Pexel

The KeeeX Blockchain at the service of the art

The KeeeX Blockchain at the service of the art

Since October 17, the Blockchain Patrimonia app by Monuma is available in the stores!

This app uses the KeeeX technology to certify proofs of state of pieces of art and of rooms containing such. It also protects the expert reports and appraisals.

With Blockchain Patrimonia, you can appraise the value and authenticity of your works of art and furniture but also value the entire property estate heritage of your home. The pictures taken by Blockchain Patrimonia are sent automatically by the app to the expert upon request.

Blockchain Patrimonia allows you to have a blockchain art expert in your pocket in real time 24/24 7/7

Should you wish to verify them independently from the app or transfer them, it suffices to share them by email or a cloud service and verify them at or better using our ChatOps app. There you will find all the necessary information: author, geolocation, timestamp …

Make a statement, authenticate, geolocate and timestamp your photographic proofs has never been so simple than using the outstanding KeeeX blockchain technology.

How can KeeeX simplify your GDPR compliance ?

How can KeeeX simplify your GDPR compliance ?

It is difficult to get a clear view about the new European General Data Protection Regulation. Below is a summary of essential information to understand to enter your GDPR compliance process, followed by details on how KeeeX can make it ultra simple.


Using the KeeeX technology, the Data Protection Officer (DPO) can easily:

•respond to audit requests concerning personal data processing and location.

•respond to personal data recovery, transfer and destruction requests in a timely manner.

•prevent and detect data violations, including on the dark web.

The informed consent of the user can be collected with unprecedented levels of quality: a user’s electronic signature applies to exact and easily verifiable documents, and produces blockchain traceable standalone proof records.

The identity of a user is self-sovereign. Her interaction with the service requires only the strict necessary elements, and may even remain pseudonymous (health data).

Respect for privacy and industrial property is ultimate: processing is made locally and shares are end to end encrypted.

01. Proof of Consent

What is this? Consent is an active and explicit  user process that must be free, specific, and informed. In an online form, it can materialize, for example, by a checkbox, unchecked by default.

KeeeX Solution : KeeeX embeds within every  file a unique and humanized identifier that can easily and freely be verified without trusted tier. Consent now applies to exact and guaranteed documents.  This requires KeeeX Core, KeeeX ChatOps or our Proof of Consent module


02. Data Location

What is this? In order to return data to a user as quickly as possible, companies must know the exact location of personal data at any time.

KeeeX Solution : KeeeX embeds unique identifiers and  tags inside files to easily locate the data related to your customer, even in deep company filesystems or application silos, ultimately by using low level system commands. This is available using KeeeX Core, KeeeX ChatOps or KaaaS

03. Pseudonymization

What is this? Pseudonymization helps telling apart personal data from other irrelevant information. Pseudonymization generates an identification key that allows to establish the link between various personal information sources.

KeeeX Solution : The use of blockchain identities allows for total user control over their identities used in connection with web services or portals: Requires KeeeX Identities, Blockchain anchors and Timestamps

04. Data Portability

What is this? Users have the right to claim all the personal data they have provided to a service, in a structured format, preferably user machine-readable. They also have the right to transmit this data to another processing manage.

KeeeX Solution : KeeeX embeds within every file unique identifiers that make their location a snap. All our apps also fully leave data on user’s side, which renders the requirement satisfied by default.

05. Privacy by design 

What is this? Data protection requirements must be taken into account by organizations as early as since the design stage of their products, services and systems.

KeeeX Solution : All KeeeX solutions leave data on user’s side. When data transfer is involved, as in KeeeX ChatOps for instance, it is performed using state of the art end to end encryption. Data is shared using peer to peer zero knowledge procedures.

06. Accountability 

What is this ? Accountability is the obligation made for companies to implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure that the treatment of personal data is performed under the Regulation, and be able to demonstrate.

KeeeX Solution : All KeeeX solutions embed within each file regardless of their format a unique identifier so that data can be traced on premises without third parties. Proof of deletion for instance is straightforward to demonstrate.

KeeeX records proofs of your photos on the Bitcoin #blockchain

KeeeX records proofs of your photos on the Bitcoin #blockchain

KeeeX records at will proofs of existence of any of your files on the Bitcoin blockchain. On course, one may use this for very serious things : contracts, certified diplomas, minibonds, proofs of ownership or insurance claims…

But we may use this to immortalize our selfies forever! Specially with the latest KeeeX for Android beta, that is readily available. One full month free testing under the current terms.

For photographers and authors KeeeX also allows for injecting your copyright settings straight inside the document you’re publishing.

(Photo credit David Blackwell – Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic – Thanks)

Records Management with KeeeX

KeeeX addresses a large number of Records Management (Wikipedia) issues as stated in this Wikipedia definition page. Let’s review some of them:

Concerning Digital Records

…It is more difficult to ensure that the content, context and structure of records is preserved and protected when the records do not have a physical existence. This has important implications for the authenticity, reliability, and trustworthiness of records…

KeeeX proves integrity, authenticity, authorship of virtually any digital content.

Particular concerns exist about the ability to access [and read] electronic records over time

KeeeX identifiers are indexed by search engines, hence allowing for unprecedented accessibility and robustness to renaming and moving.

Privacy, data protection, and identity theft have become issues of increasing interest.

KeeeX leaves files where originals are. No transfer is made for processing. When files need to be transferred, they are encrypted end to end. KeeeX implements digital signatures that prevent for identity theft as well.

The increased importance of transparency and accountability in public administration, marked by the widespread adoption of Freedom of Information laws, has led to a focus on the need to manage records so that they can be easily accessed by the public.

KeeeX allows for publishing documents that can be accessed by search engines, and hence made freely available to the public, who can verify their integrity for free. Check for instance this search:”xofos-bafek-zebug”.

Implementing required changes to organizational culture is a major challenge, since records management is often seen as an unnecessary or low priority administrative task that can be performed at the lowest levels within an organization.

Using KeeeX, documents are classified and protected as part of everyday work and do not require extraneous actions.

A difficult challenge for many enterprises is tied to the tracking of records through their entire information life cycle so that it’s clear, at all times, where a record exists or if it still exists at all.

KeeeX will help track all successive versions of a record. Each specific version can be meta searched anywhere, including on a company’s disks, to assess whether the file still exists or not.

The tracking of records through their life cycles allows records management staff to understand when and how to apply records related rules, such as rules for legal hold or destruction.

Specific rules can be attached to records either informally in embedded descriptions of more formally using classifiers. It becomes possible, even in the absence of any tool, to track on company’s disks and servers all record instances that should be legally present or that should legally have been deleted.

Concerning Physical Records

Records must be stored in such a way that they are accessible…

When a physical record has been scanned, it may naturally receive the KeeeX identifier of this scan, that can be used for storing and retrieving. This is so because these identifiers are humanized, and hence can be subject to alphabetical sorting. Such an archival strategy is considerably more robust to mis-classification than hierarchical folder archival.

(this complements a document previously published on Slideshare and this blog. As a proof that KeeeX provides unprecedented records management possibilities, you may try this web search:

The Future of Data : Immutable and Connected, like a Blockchain

The Future of Data : Immutable and Connected, like a Blockchain

Two innovations that illustrate applications of immutable and connected data tend to widely disseminate in our lives. Can we complement or improve on this and what do we learn?

One is Git. Git is the most widely used version control system. The emphasis of Git on data integrity builds upon an underlying scheme called “content addressable storage” and Merkle trees.


KeeeX provides an infrastructure free scheme for Open Access

At KeeeX, we are leveraging a patented innovation allowing to augment virtually any file with integrity/authenticity/linking cleartext searchable metadata that opens new perspectives for Open Access (and more generally Open Data).

  • file integrity and authorship are builtin.
  • references to other papers and documents, semantic classification and context are builtin.
  • wherever a file is found, it can be verified as genuine using our simple client or a web site.

This means that:

  • Open Research can be published *anywhere*: including a publicly available cloud folder.
  • Open Access documents can be retrieved using general purpose search engines.
  • any document that refers to another document, if keeexed, will allow to embed the exact identifier to its references, that can themselves be searched then verified locally as genuine.

Of course we provide a paid solution for businesses, but also we develop an academic program, and in any case producing some amount of publishable documents will be possible using the free version.

I’d be extremely happy to help anyone reading this to test KeeeX, for instance in the purpose of studying its potential in Open Access.

If you’re an academic and are willing to use KeeeX in your institute, please feel free to contact us.

This post was created as a comment to a discussion about the future of Open Access publishing.

How KeeeX can help you

How KeeeX can help you

The slideshow presented on december the 17th at EMD Marseille during the « La Crise? What Else? » event. You will understand better why KeeeX offers an unprecedented solution of document management, organization, collaboration, multi channel sharing, search, digital signature. And how KeeeX pacifies the digital no man’s land, when our files navigate in between organizations, clouds and folders.