

Contact Us

    KeeeX SAS

    MEET US : Pôle Media Belle de Mai, 37 rue Guibal, 13003 Marseille, FRANCE

    HEAD OFFICE : KeeeX SAS, 5 rue de Lissandre, 13013 Marseille, FRANCE


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    About us

    The KeeeX company was founded in december 2014 by Laurent Henocque, an engineer from Ecole Polytechnique (X82), lecturer researcher at Aix Marseille University, CNRS, with a focus on constraint programming, and semantic web expertise. KeeeX was an answer to a number of questions:

    • how to warrant the authenticity of digital information independently of any web service, dedicated infrastructure?
    • how to preserve the oganisation and links between files across multiple storage locations?
    • how to find files instantly whichever their location on the internet or a disk?

    Early in 2010, Laurent Henocque is convinced of the existence of an answer to those questions: KeeeX. After three years of maturation the app is available and deploys progressively. In 2015, thanks to help from partners, an active strategic committee, the technicity of our developpers, the generosity of our beta testing community and early customers, the KeeeX app is available and addresses many markets, ranging in banking, insurance, finance, legal, copyright, archival, energy, industry, cloud, backup, sync, enterprise social networks…

    The team

    Laurent HENOCQUE – CEO & Founder
    Françoise BLANC – Executive Assistant
    Cyprien VEYRAT – Marketing & Sales
    Manuel HENOCQUE – Junior Sales
    Thomas HENOCQUE – Administrative and Commercial Assistant
    Gabriel RISTERUCCI – CTO
    Marc DELAGE – IT Engineer
    Bastien COURTARO – IT Engineer
    Ngu «aoshi» DUONG – Associate Developer

    They support KeeeX

    KeeeX is Active

    KeeeX est présente et active au sein du Club Informatique de Provence (CIP), qui l’a sélectionné pour concourir comme startup au Grand Prix France Entreprise Digitale.
    Nous sommes également actifs au sein de la commission e-economie de l’association Medinsoft, plus précisément au sein du groupe BigData-Cloud.
    Medinsoft relaye le programme French Tech pour la métropole marseillaise.
    KeeeX est également membre du Pôle SCS, dont elle a été nommée PME la plus innovante dans le domaine ‘sécurité et identités numériques’ en 2014, et PME du mois de mars 2015.