The standard for verifiable files and processes 

KeeeX universal & eco-friendly technology helps companies make all their documents, data, products, processes and decisions provable, verifiable and traceable.


It’s getting harder and harder to tell what’s real and what’s not.

Generative AI (Deep Fake), Fake News, falsification of content, infobesity, we can no longer discern truth from falsehood.

Rather than trying in vain to verify the authenticity and origin of a file a posteriori, KeeeX makes it possible to certify, sign and timestamp any content before it is distributed, so that it can be easily verified by anyone afterwards.


Creating the new standard for digital trust

Document, process, decision, there was until now no universal strandard allowing to make a digital file verifiable without the use of an infrastructure. KeeeX now lays the foundation for a new way to protect, secure and enhance your intangible assets in the most sober and ecological possible way. We are creating a new paradigm in which trust is built directly into data through a tamper-proof digital passport and reinforced by distributed infrastructures. Keeexed files can reference others with certainty, thus creating an infrastructure-free web of trust.

🌐 Universal : applies to all digital file formats and makes them interoperable, even without internet connection

🌱 Ecological and future-proof : local processing and verification, evidence in files - no infrastructure or vault

🔐 Confidential and sovereign : files stay on your side, verifiable with no time limit and no dependence on KeeeX

🚀 Scalable : ultra-fast deployment and processing of large volumes of data


KeeeX is committed to collective carbon neutrality

The KeeeX process is extremely frugal: protection and verification are done locally and therefore very energy efficient. Since the proofs are embedded in the file, no additional infrastructure is needed to guarantee the integrity of the file over time.

It is possible to complete it with a blockchain anchor to have a proof of existence. Two options can be combined:
- A direct recording on our private blockchain KeeeX Chain
- A mutualized recording twice a day on a public blockchain

KeeeX has offset all of its 2022 annual GHG emissions on Gold Standard and will continue to do so. Our climate financing outside our value chain has contributed to the avoidance of 160tCO2e and the sequestration of 5tCO2e for the year 2022. Our software suite is therefore carbon neutral and without any CO2 externalities for our customers' Scope 3 (our GHG balance).

This voluntary, long-term approach is an extension of all the daily efforts made by the organization to reduce our impact (reuse of IT equipment, BYOD, sustainable transport, clean energy, fight against waste, teleworking).


Two core technologies : data & process level

Augmented Data®

Our solutions allow you to add a digital passport into your files to increase their probative value. Our process guarantees that a file hasn't been modified since its protection. Format & appearance remain unchanged, file is verifiable without time limit. 

Base File
  • Same format
  • Same appearance
Trust metadata
  • Integrity (hash)
  • Source (Bitcoin signature or X509 electronic certificate)
  • Date (timestamp server)
  • Existence (blockchain anchoring, Bitcoin by default)
Contextual metadata
  • Copyright
  • Licence
  • Tags
  • Versionning
  • Reference number
  • Classification
  • Link to other files
  • Link to a register that tracks variable properties

Augmented Process

An auditable historical register in file mode that allows you to record evidence of information, events and documents related to a single reference. You build a reliable audit trail that can be linked to any physical or digital object, process, and project.


All information is signed by the sender, timestamped and cryptographically chained. System states are regularly notarized on the Bitcoin blockchain.


It is possible to make public only encrypted evidence and to keep the corresponding data on its own servers. This allows you to collaborate securely on multi-stakeholder processes and to publicly disclose documents only during an audit or litigation.

References & scopes

Stories can allow you to trace the history of a machine's maintenance work, the life of a container, the non-infringement of a luxury item, the path from the field to the plate of a food or the different versions of a contract or an instruction manual. The same information can be recorded on different scopes: ship / container / pallet / package or for example external multi-actor process / internal process. 

Use Cases

Our technology provides access to blockchain properties and uses its open-source algorithms to make your documents, products, processes and decisions auditable and traceable

Verifiable Data / Documents

Documents certification, probative picture/ video, timestamping, electronic signature (eIDAS compliant), MLETR, IP protection, NFT

Verifiable Products

Digital Product Passport – DPP (sourcing, composition, supply-chain, carbon impact, secondary market, circular economy, recycling), GS1 Digital Link compliant

Verifiable Processes

Maintenance, audit, traceability (logistics, agrifood, art), records management / compliance, governance, big data, data lineage, MLETR, logistics, CSR

Verifiable Decisions

Black box 2.0, proof of consent, internal processes, correction of an AI, trusted AI, data classification, automated decisions using smart contracts


A universal process used in many sectors





Trade Finance








KeeeX in numbers

Number of files keeexed since the beginning

Number of countries where our solutions are used

Number of international patents


Check in one click the integrity, authenticity and date of your keeexed files

The files are processed locally during verification. No data will be transmitted to our servers.
As we like to say: "Don't trust, verify"! Do not hesitate to activate the Airplane mode before checking your file 😉

Examples of files to download and check

 ✔ File 1 (.png)KeeeX logo - Protected and signed by KeeeX
✔ File 2 (.png)Picture - Protected by Photo Proof Pro
❌ File 3 (.png)KeeeX logo - Modified by an unknown person

Why KeeeX is really different ?

Not another blockchain company

We have been using Bitcoin’s open-source algorithms for signing since 2013. Our hybrid process allows the combination of solutions from trusted 3rd parties (eIDAS qualified signature & timestamp) with decentralized tools.

Reliable & highly scalable

Our solutions have been in production within large groups for several years now. They are designed to scale to thousands of operations per second and are available On Premises, through API or SaaS distribution.

We put intelligence into your data

Recording hashes and signatures on a blockchain is within everyone’s reach and has little value. We handle data and documents on a daily basis, it is important to put intelligence in the files, not just in the infrastructure.

Perennial and interoperable

We allow you to embed proofs of trust and context in your files, without changing the format or appearance. Your documents are yours, stored on your side, and remain verifiable with no time limit, even without KeeeX !


 Proven tools for all your business needs

KeeeX Fusion

KeeeX Fusion is our core component. It is a command-line utility that injects trusted metadata (integrity, source, date) and context metadata (version, tags, links, classification) into files, timestamps them, anchors their footprint on a blockchain and verifies them. 

Collect & Prove

Collect & Prove is a universal mobile application for collecting photographic and video evidence, remote auditing, form capture and scanning of documents via lightweight and configurable workflows. The files are time-stamped and geolocalized and can be sent directly to your servers.


KaaaS is a web application allowing you to keeex, digitally sign, timestamp and anchor the proof of existence of your files on the blockchain, to make them verifiable by all. It also allows encrypted file transfer, secured notes and is available via API.

KeeeX Stories

KeeeX Stories is a traceability platform that makes your processes verifiable. It is composed of a framework to record the history of an object or product (event, information, document) and an interface for your teams or to bring more transparency to your customers.

TraaaX by KeeeX

TraaaX by KeeeX is an interoperable, multi-format, multi-platform, 100% MLETR-compliant solution.

It consists of a proof register that can be interconnected with your platform or an interface that we provide.

It transforms any data or document into a traceable, verifiable and transferable original digital file.

KeeeX Verifier

KeeeX Verifier is a verification module that allows you to locally verify the authenticity of keeexed files. This verification service is available for free on our website and is also proposed for integration on your website. With KeeeX, no need to deposit a timestamp certificate in addition to the file to verify it.

KeeeX Chain

KeeeX Chain is a hybrid blockchain that is open for reading and can be backed up by an observer node. It meets industrial uses and allows to operate simple smart contracts with a high volume. It allows blockchain anchoring, transfer of ownership/responsibility, management of utility NFTs, proof of system state or key-value recording.


Expert service to make your projects useful, usable, used

Our teams can support you in all or part of your projects, for your preparation, integration, development or support/maintenance phases related to our software suite.






Support & Maintenance


Identify, study the project, gather requirements, produce scoping documents, advise on technical and strategic choices, map processes, plan the project, help integrate our solutions.


Build MVPs, front/middle/back-office bricks, web or mobile applications, develop specific software, connectors, set up API routes. Manage setups and deployments, monitor the project throughout its cycle.

Support & maintenance

Monitor deployed services, provide level 3 support, maintain the solution in operational condition. Continuously improve support quality through corrective and/or evolutionary maintenance.


Let’s go for a field trip !

References & press


EMD - Customer
Orange - Customer
SNCF Réseaux - customer
Efutura - Customer
Engie - Customer
Engie - Customer
Monuma - Customer
Monuma - Customer
EDF - Customer
Engie - Customer

Resources & News

Security Mechanisms: Your Allies Against Cyber Threats

Security Mechanisms: Your Allies Against Cyber Threats

In an ever-changing digital world, cyber threats are multiplying and becoming more complex. Organizations of all sizes face a daunting challenge: protecting their sensitive data and preserving their reputation. Faced with these challenges, it is crucial to adopt...

Operational efficiency: the secret of successful companies

Operational efficiency: the secret of successful companies

Do you dream of a company where everything runs smoothly? Where processes are smooth, customers are satisfied and costs are controlled? Look no further, operational efficiency is the key to your success! But be careful, it's not just a question of cost reduction....

File Verification: The New Imperative for Digital Trust

File Verification: The New Imperative for Digital Trust

Imagine a world where every digital document is a passport, bearing the unalterable proofs of its authenticity and integrity. File verification is just that, an essential process in the digital age, makes this possible. But do you really know what file verification is...

Have a question? Want a demonstration? Contact us 👇