Security Mechanisms: Your Allies Against Cyber Threats

Security Mechanisms: Your Allies Against Cyber Threats

In an ever-changing digital world, cyber threats are multiplying and becoming more complex. Organizations of all sizes face a daunting challenge: protecting their sensitive data and preserving their reputation. Faced with these challenges, it is crucial to adopt robust and adapted security mechanisms. Ready to take cybersecurity to the next level? Here we go!

Zero Trust: Trust No One

The concept of Zero Trust is disrupting traditional approaches to security. Its principle is simple but effective: “never trust, always verify”. In concrete terms, this means that every access, every transaction, every interaction must be authenticated and authorized, regardless of its origin.

Zero Trust Milestones

To implement Zero Trust, several steps are essential:

  • Identification: who is the user?
  • Authentication: is it really him?
  • Permission: Does they have the right to access this resource?
  • Continuous monitoring: is its behavior normal?

With these tight controls, Zero Trust significantly reduces the attack surface and the risk of compromise. No more “default” access based on trust!

Zero Trust in Action

Let’s take the example of a hospital that adopts Zero Trust. Each health professional must authenticate themselves with a two-factor authentication (badge + code) to access medical records. Access is limited to only the data needed for each role. Any suspicious activity (abnormal consultations, massive downloads) triggers alerts. Safety is maximized, without hindering daily work.

Data Centric Security: data at the heart of security

In the age of digital transformation, data has become the new oil for companies. But also their Achilles heel! Cyberattacks are increasingly targeting sensitive data, whether it’s at rest, in transit, or in use. Hence the emergence of Data Centric Security, which places data at the center of the security strategy

Classify, quantify, control

Data Centric Security is based on several pillars:

  • Classification of data according to their criticality
  • Encryption of sensitive data
  • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
  • Access rights management (IAM)

By protecting data at the source, we reduce the risk of leaks and strengthen regulatory compliance (GDPR, HIPAA, etc.)

According to the Ponemon Institute, the average cost of a data breach was $4.24 million in 2021, up 10% from 2020.

An example of Data Centric Security

Let’s imagine a bank that manages millions of customer data. With a Data-Centric approach:

  • The data is classified by level of confidentiality (public, confidential, secret)
  • Confidential data (account numbers, balances) is encrypted and accessible only to authorized persons
  • Each employee has specific access rights according to his or her role (advisor, analyst, director)
  • Access is reviewed regularly and revoked in the event of departure or change of function.

Data Loss Prevention: Stop Data Leaks

Despite all the precautions, data breaches remain a major threat to businesses. Whether accidental or malicious, these leaks can have disastrous consequences: reputational damage, loss of customers, financial penalties, etc. This is where Data Loss Prevention (DLP) comes in, a set of solutions to detect and block data leaks.

Multiple DLP solutions

There are different types of DLP solutions, adapted to each context:

  • Network DLP: Scans traffic for sensitive data
  • DLP endpoint: monitors activities on desktops and mobiles
  • Cloud DLP: Secures data in cloud applications (Office 365, Salesforce, etc.)

Using advanced techniques (content analytics, machine learning), DLP solutions identify and block unauthorized transfers, while minimizing “false positives.”

According to Gartner, the global DLP market is expected to reach $2.64 billion in 2023, with annual growth of 15%.

DLP in practice

Let’s take the case of a law firm that handles confidential documents. With a DLP solution:

  • Sensitive documents are automatically identified using predefined rules
  • Any sending of confidential documents to an external email address is blocked and reported
  • Printouts and copies on USB sticks are checked and tracked
  • In the event of an incident, an investigation can be carried out quickly thanks to the centralized logs.

KeeeX: the missing piece of the security puzzle

In this complex cybersecurity landscape, KeeeX brings an essential brick: the traceability and verification of data, documents, processes and decisions. Thanks to its unique technology, KeeeX seals unalterable proofs of integrity, authenticity and timestamps as well as various references into the files. Your files become self-verifiable, without relying on third-party infrastructure.

KeeeX, the companion to Zero Trust

With KeeeX, you strengthen your Zero Trust strategy. Every document, every proof is signed and traceable, which empowers users and facilitates audits. Trust is no longer a prerequisite, it is verified!

KeeeX, the guardian of your sensitive data

KeeeX fits perfectly into a Data-Centric approach. Your data is protected from the source, with end-to-end encryption and traceability. You are in control of the life cycle of your data.

KeeeX, the anti-leak ally

Thanks to KeeeX, you can prove the origin and integrity of your documents. In the event of a leak or dispute, you have solid evidence to defend yourself and identify liability. KeeeX thus completes your DLP solutions.

Cybersecurity: Are you ready for the big leap?

In the end, cybersecurity is not an option but a necessity. By combining mechanisms such as Zero Trust, Data Centric Security and DLP, you are putting all the chances on your side to protect your business and your data. But remember, security is everyone’s business, not just IT experts!

At KeeeX, we are convinced that traceability and verification are the keys to sustainable and responsible security. Our technology adapts to your needs, whether you are an SME or a large group. So, are you ready to take the step towards increased security? Contact us for a free audit and find out how KeeeX can boost your security!


Data integrity : A fundamental pillar of information management

Data integrity : A fundamental pillar of information management

Definition of data integrity

Data integrity refers to the accuracy and consistency of data throughout its lifecycle. It ensures that information is not altered in an unauthorised way and that it remains reliable and accurate, regardless of when it is consulted or used. This encompasses not only the prevention of accidental errors, but also protection against intentional manipulation.

The different forms of data integrity

Data integrity is a crucial concept in IT and database management, aimed at ensuring the accuracy and consistency of data throughout its lifecycle. It can be divided into several distinct categories, each with a specific role in data protection and maintenance.

1. Physical integrity

Physical integrity ensures that data is physically stored without material corruption. This includes measures such as :

  • Redundancy: Use of redundant storage systems, such as RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks), to prevent data loss in the event of a disk failure.
  • Non-erasable media: Use of non-erasable storage media such as WORM (Write Once Read Many) disks to prevent data from being deleted.
  • Regular back-ups: Creation of periodic back-ups of data so that it can be restored in the event of corruption or loss.
  • Protection against natural disasters: Implementation of systems and procedures to protect data against events such as fires, floods or earthquakes. This may include geographically remote data centres for data backup.
  • Environmental controls: Maintaining optimum conditions in data centres, including temperature, humidity and protection against electrical surges.

2. Logical integrity

Logical integrity ensures that data is correct and consistent within a logical model. There are several important aspects to this:

  • Database constraints: Using constraints to maintain data correctness. Common constraints include:
  • Primary keys: Ensure that each record in a table is unique and uniquely identifiable.
  • Foreign keys: Maintain the validity of relationships between tables, ensuring that the referenced data exists in the corresponding tables.
  • Uniqueness constraints: Ensure that the values of a specific field or set of fields are unique throughout the table.
  • Verification constraints: Specific validations to ensure that data complies with certain defined rules or conditions.

3. Referential integrity

Referential integrity maintains consistency between database tables. For example :

  • Relationships between tables: A record in an order table must correspond to a valid record in a customer table. If an order refers to a non-existent customer, this could lead to inconsistencies.
  • Update and delete operations: When updating or deleting a record in a table, databases must ensure that all corresponding references in other tables are also updated or deleted to maintain data consistency.

4. Integrity of user data

User data integrity ensures that the data entered by users is valid and complies with expectations. This is generally achieved through validation checks, such as :

  • Data format validation: Checks that the data entered complies with expected formats, such as e-mail addresses, telephone numbers or dates.
  • Verification of value ranges: Ensures that the data entered falls within acceptable ranges, for example, an age between 0 and 120.
  • Consistency checks: Cross-validation of data to ensure that it is logically consistent, e.g. an end date cannot be earlier than a start date.
  • Code injection protection: Implementing measures to prevent users from introducing malicious or unwanted code into input fields.

By combining these different forms of integrity, database management systems can offer robust protection against data corruption and ensure that information remains reliable and usable for end users.

Risks associated with data integrity

Data integrity is essential to ensure the reliability and accuracy of information stored in IT systems. However, various risks can compromise this integrity, leading to data loss, inconsistencies and errors. Here is a detailed description of the main risks associated with data integrity:

1. Human error

Human error is one of the most common causes of data integrity compromise. They can manifest themselves in several ways:

  • Typing errors: Typographical errors or incorrect data entry by users can introduce errors into databases. For example, a typing error in an amount field can affect financial results.
  • Accidental deletions: Users may inadvertently delete important data. Accidental deletion of critical records can lead to data loss that is difficult to recover.
  • Incorrect modifications: Users may modify data incorrectly, either through lack of training, understanding or care. This can lead to inconsistencies and errors in the information stored.

2. Hardware failures

Hardware failures can cause significant damage to data. This includes :

  • Hard drive failures: Hard drives can fail, resulting in the loss of unsaved data. Even with redundant storage systems, simultaneous failures can cause problems.
  • Power outages: Power outages can cause systems to shut down abruptly, which can damage files in use and corrupt databases.
  • Other hardware incidents: Other hardware incidents, such as motherboard or power supply failures, can also affect data integrity.

3. Malicious attacks

Malicious attacks represent a serious threat to data integrity. Types of attack include :

  • Ransomware: This malicious software encrypts data and demands a ransom to decrypt it. This can cripple organisations and seriously compromise data integrity.
  • Intrusions: Hackers can penetrate systems to steal, alter or destroy data. Intrusions can lead to leaks of sensitive data and unauthorised modification of information.
  • Malware and viruses: Malicious programs can infect systems, corrupt files and compromise the integrity of databases.

4. Faulty software

Use private browsing mode to avoid leaving traces of your online activity. Browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Safari all offer a private browsing option that doesn’t store browsing history, cookies, or form information. This is particularly useful when you’re using public or shared computers, as it prevents other users from seeing what you’ve been browsing.

5. Cleaning up your browsing history

Software plays a crucial role in data management and manipulation. However, faults in software can lead to integrity problems:

  • Bugs and errors: Bugs in applications can cause data corruption. For example, an error in a database management application can lead to incorrect data being inserted or information being lost.
  • Faulty updates: Software updates can sometimes introduce new bugs or incompatibilities, leading to data integrity problems.

5. Natural disasters

Natural disasters can cause physical damage to data storage infrastructures. This includes :

  • Fires: A fire can destroy IT equipment and storage media, resulting in the total loss of data.
  • Floods: Water can damage storage devices, making data inaccessible or irretrievable.
  • Other events: Earthquakes, storms and other disasters can also destroy physical infrastructure, seriously affecting data integrity.

Data integrity and RGPD compliance

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) imposes strict requirements on the management of personal data, focusing on data protection, confidentiality and integrity. Data integrity is a crucial component of GDPR compliance, which stipulates that data must be accurate and up-to-date. Here’s how businesses can ensure they meet these requirements:

  • Accurate and up-to-date: The GDPR requires personal data to be kept accurate and up to date. Businesses must have effective processes in place to correct inaccurate data as soon as it is identified. This includes regularly checking information and quickly adjusting it if it changes.
  • Protection against unauthorised access: Companies should implement robust security measures to protect data from unauthorised access. This includes the use of firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and strict access management policies.
  • Tamper prevention: Ensuring that data is not altered in an unauthorised way. Companies should use integrity checks such as checksums and digital signatures to verify that data has not been altered.

Why is data security crucial?

Data security is essential for a number of reasons:

  • Protection against litigation: Accumulating evidence to strengthen the probative value of files and reduce the risk of litigation
  • Legal compliance: Comply with regulations such as GDPR, HIPAA, Reliable Copy, Reliable Audit Trail and other data protection laws, avoiding legal and financial penalties.
  • Fraud prevention: Avoid fraudulent activities and financial losses that could result from data manipulation or theft.
  • Corporate reputation: Maintaining the trust of customers and partners by demonstrating a strong commitment to data protection.
  • Business continuity: Ensure that systems remain operational and that data is available when needed, minimising service interruptions.


The 5 dangers to data integrity

  1. Human error: The most common cause of loss of data integrity. Data entry errors, accidental deletions and incorrect modifications can lead to inconsistencies and data loss.
  2. Cyber attacks: Hackers can alter or destroy data, for example through ransomware or SQL injections.
  3. Hardware failures: Hard drive failures, power cuts and other hardware incidents can damage or corrupt data.
  4. Malware: Such as viruses and ransomware that compromise data integrity by altering or encrypting it without authorisation.
  5. Natural disasters: Floods, fires, earthquakes and other events can destroy data storage infrastructures, resulting in significant losses.


How do you ensure data integrity?

To guarantee data integrity, companies must implement a series of protection and validation measures:

  • Keeexing data: Adding a light, invisible KeeeX watermark to your data ensures that it has not been modified since it was protected.
  • Implement rigorous access controls: Limit access to data to authorised persons only by using role-based access management (RBAC) systems.
  • Regular back-ups: Ensure frequent, secure back-ups so that data can be recovered in the event of loss or corruption.
  • Data validation and verification: Use validation techniques to check the accuracy of data entered, including format checks, consistency checks and regular audits.
  • Regular auditing: Carry out data audits to detect and correct anomalies, ensuring that data management processes are followed correctly.
  • Staff training: Train employees in good data management and protection practices, including security awareness and data handling procedures.

KeeeX: Guaranteeing data integrity in the digital age

The importance of data integrity is evident in a variety of sectors, such as finance, healthcare and digital identity management. Data breaches can have disastrous consequences, ranging from financial losses to breaches of privacy and damage to corporate reputations. As a result, robust and innovative solutions are needed to protect data against both internal and external threats.

It is in this context that companies such as KeeeX stand out by offering advanced solutions to ensure data integrity. KeeeX uses cutting-edge technologies such as blockchain and cryptography to provide mechanisms for certifying, authenticating and tracing documents and files. With KeeeX, users can verify the authenticity of their documents and ensure that they have not been modified since they were created, while maintaining the confidentiality and security of sensitive information.

By integrating these technologies, KeeeX offers an effective response to today’s data management challenges, enabling businesses to protect their digital assets and strengthen the trust of their customers and partners. The adoption of such solutions is a crucial step towards a future where data is not only secure, but also verifiable and reliable, ensuring unwavering integrity in an ever-changing digital environment.


Data integrity is an essential pillar for effective and secure information management. By understanding and implementing robust practices to maintain this integrity, organisations can not only comply with regulatory requirements such as the GDPR, but also protect their digital assets and maintain the trust of their customers and partners. Constant vigilance and continuous improvement of data management processes are the keys to meeting current and future challenges in this crucial area.