KeeeX receives the France Cybersecurity 2022 Label

KeeeX receives the France Cybersecurity 2022 Label

KeeeX is awarded the Label France Cybersecurity for its product KeeeX Fusion

Première et seule solution “Blockchain” labellisée France Cybersecurity en 2018, KeeeX obtient le label 2022 pour son produit KeeeX Fusion. 📋

“Ce label met en avant l’excellence des offres françaises dans le domaine de la cybersécurité et permet d’éclairer le choix des utilisateurs soucieux de contribuer à la souveraineté numérique nationale.”

Fusion permet de protéger, prouver, signer et horodater localement les fichiers sans qu’ils sortent de l’environnement de l’entreprise. ⚙

Nous remercions l’Alliance pour la Confiance Numérique (ACN) pour leur confiance, ce label est un vrai gage de qualité pour l’ensemble de nos clients et utilisateurs. 🙌

Enedis chooses KeeeX to secure its press releases

Enedis chooses KeeeX to secure its press releases

Enedis confirms the certification of its press releases with the start-up KeeeX, at the end of an experiment conducted in 2021. The embedded protection technology in the files, developed by the start-up, based on the blockchain, allows to verify their authenticity.

After a year of successful experimentation, we are very proud to announce that Enedis Group confirms the use of KeeeX technology to protect and make verifiable its press releases. 😁

Simple and quick to use, journalists and the general public can verify the authenticity of an information in one click by dropping the keeexed document on the verifier present on Enedis’ Media space. ✅

Serving the Group’s digital trust and cybersecurity, our unique and patented process notably helps to fight against the risk of Fake News and to set up responsible and verifiable communication. 🔐

After Société Générale and the many customers of our partner ePressPack, we are delighted that the Enedis Group uses our solutions to secure its press releases, reinforcing KeeeX’s ambition to become the standard for verifiable files. 🚀

PS: feel free to download and verify the CP below 👇

See you at SIDO Paris on Nov 9 & 10, 2021

See you at SIDO Paris on Nov 9 & 10, 2021

See you on November 9th and 10th for the first edition of SIDO Paris! KeeeX is one of the two startups selected by Wavestone to exhibit its booth (H13).

SIDO Paris is a Tech & Uses event dedicated to the convergence of IoT, AI, XR & Robotics technologies for strategic and operational business decision makers. We will present two of our solutions: KeeeX Fusion and Photo Proof Pro.

Registration is free.

[KeeeX Business Case] [EN] #3 Verifavia

[KeeeX Business Case] [EN] #3 Verifavia

Discover the continuation of our “KeeeX Business Case” series which presents the use cases that our customers develop with our technology.

The third document in this series is dedicated to Verifavia.

As with any keeexed file, you are invited to check its integrity and authenticity on

Enjoy your reading !

See you at Vivatech on June 16th and 17th

See you at Vivatech on June 16th and 17th

It’s back to trade shows! Come and meet us on June 16th and 17th at Vivatech – Paris Expo on the South Region stand (K14-016).

On the agenda, presentation of our latest products (KeeeX Photo Proof Pro, KaaS and KeeeX Stories) and discovery of our partners’ solutions: Sorga, Argo, ePressPack, BonjourLeBon, Eunomart, Monuma, Oscar Mon assistant location !

Our consulting partner Wavestone will also be present on June 17th to show you our common offer.

For those who can’t make it to the show, we will also be present at the online show from June 16 to 18.

If you wish to book a demonstration:

UEFA Foundation for Children & KeeeX – WSIS Prizes Champion

UEFA Foundation for Children & KeeeX – WSIS Prizes Champion

UEFA Foundation for Children and KeeeX champions of the WSIS Prizes 2021

The World Summit on Information Society Prizes 2021 challenge is an international competition for technologies developed for sustainable development.

Out of the 1,270 projects initially submitted, we were nominated among the 360 finalists for the online voting.

Today, we are proud to announce that our project “Remote Monitoring of funding using a blockchain Trusted technology”, together with the UEFA Foundation for Children, has been selected among the top 5 projects in our category.

We would like to thank the voters who allowed us to get this far in this competition; and we would like to thank the UEFA Foundation for Children in particular for the trust they have placed in us since the beginning of this collaboration, which is a great common adventure.

To view the project :

UEFA Children’s Foundation begins its digital transformation with KeeeX

UEFA Children’s Foundation begins its digital transformation with KeeeX

KeeeX is very proud to assist the UEFA Children’s Foundation in its digital transformation through a participatory evaluation project.

Created in 2015, the UEFA Children’s Foundation supports projects that propose practical measures to help vulnerable children in the areas of sport, health, education, personal development and employment. To date, it has already funded 275 projects in 109 countries on six continents.

KeeeX proposed its Photo Proof Pro solution to enable a remote audit of projects with confidence to ensure that funding is used appropriately and that activities are in line with the mandate.

The on-site visit of an auditor was mandatory and although this task is essential, it nevertheless involves significant costs (in time and money) and has a negative impact on the environment. This is in addition to the current travel challenges created by the COVID19 pandemic.

A pilot project was launched in January 2021 in collaboration with three non-governmental organizations (NGOs) based respectively in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Jordan and Ukraine.

The UEFA Children’s Foundation entered the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) 2021 Awards with KeeeX. These awards recognise projects of excellence in the implementation of the WSIS outcomes, in particular with regard to the achievement of sustainable development goals (SDGs). The winners will be announced in May 2021.

The original article is available on the UEFA Children’s Foundation website at the following address :

The keeexed and verifiable press release is available by clicking on the following link : 

KeeeX for Digitizing your Processes

KeeeX for Digitizing your Processes

« When a man walks towards his destiny, he is often forced to change direction. »

Paulo Coelho

If managing the current crisis represents a real challenge for companies, the dematerialization of business processes becomes a necessity.

KeeeX allows to :

– Simplify your processes, reduce trips, enhance and accelerate your business.
– Comply with health regulations (including social distancing), anticipate risks, protect the health of your employees and collaborators.

KeeeX accompanies you in your digital transformation thanks to its solutions available and adapted to your needs.


Probative photos and videos (identity of the author, timestamp, integrity and geolocation).

Reduction of trips.
Time and financial savings.


Electronic signatures and multi-signatures of documents.

Reduction of trips.
Optimization of deadlines.
Limitation of the physical contamination risks.


Traceability of a product, an object or an entire process.

Simplification of business processes.
Increase in productivity.


Secure and encrypted document sharing.

Time saving.
Optimal safety.
Limitation of the physical contamination risks.

For more information, please contact us by clicking here.

COVID-19, KeeeX mobilizes for VSE-SMEs

COVID-19, KeeeX mobilizes for VSE-SMEs

KeeeX is mobilized to help companies affected by the current health crisis. We have decided to make two of our applications available free of charge to VSE/SMEs until 30 June 2020:

▶ KaaaS, our web application that allows you to keeex, digitally sign, timestamp and anchor the proof of existence of your files on the blockchain, to make them verifiable by all. The tool is notably used to guarantee the authenticity of documents, deposit proofs of anteriority, digitally sign files.

▶ Photo Proof Pro, our mobile application for collecting photographic and video evidence, remote audit, form capture, flash proof of qr codes. Files are time-stamped and geolocalised and can be sent directly to your servers. This can be used for remote expertise, proof of presence, inventory of fixtures or dematerialization of logistic processes.

Interested companies can contact us at

KeeeX Provides Ultimate Teleworking Solutions

KeeeX Provides Ultimate Teleworking Solutions

KeeeX offers a unique set of teleworking solutions:
KeeeX Photo Proof Pro allows the collection of proof of activity and remote audit in the form of photographs, videos, forms, points of passage, summary documents that are permanently unalterable and authenticated.
KaaaS allows the creation, secure sharing and digital signature request of forgery-proof files in conditions that are not only totally dematerialized, but also avoid any risk of impersonation (such as “president fraud”).
KeeeX Stories allows for the tamper-proof digitization of event, data and document sequences, including in relations with your partners.

Free to use artwork thanks to Daria Shevtsova at Pexel

KeeeX Stories for Logistics supports new DCSA standard

KeeeX Stories for Logistics supports new DCSA standard

The KeeeX Stories for Logistics blockchain traceability solution  implements the DCSA standard.

It has been widely noticed and is of paramount importance that actors join efforts to foster interoperability through Data interchange formats. The  DCSA has released Track and Trace standards for the global container shipping industry.

KeeeX Stories for Logistics implements this standard, among others, (Tradelens APIs, S3000L, UN/Cefact…) by means of publicly available open sourced Data Schema libraries. These libraries can be adapted, forked by users, merged on the basis of unforgeable keeexed specifications.

Contact us