KeeeX launches a Bug Bounty program to crack our encrypted container

KeeeX launches a Bug Bounty program to crack our encrypted container

We are publishing a bug bounty challenge to crack our encrypted container, thanks to

We are extremely proud to accompany the launch of their new bug bounty platform.

Note that KeeeX offers ultimate confidentiality by encrypting using totally anonymized containers (that neither disclose any hint of who are the sender and receivers nor of what is the data), that may further be exchanged using your own cloud or disk.

EMD Management chooses KeeeX to deploy their Smart Diplomas on the Bitcoin Blockchain

EMD Management chooses KeeeX to deploy their Smart Diplomas on the Bitcoin Blockchain

We are proud to announce that EMD Management has chosen KeeeX to provide certified smart diplomas to their students. Such smart diplomas can be verified as genuine at any point in the future by anyone, by just matching the Bitcoin blockchain ledger with the verified document and timestamp certificate. This operation simply amounts to dropping them on the free version of KeeeX.

The deal was concluded by Xavier Palou (EMD Director) and Laurent Henocque (KeeeX founder), by mutually digitally signing and blockchain timestamping a digital agreement, created in the form of a simple KeeeX discussion. The timestamp certificate can be found here, then downloaded and verified.

The EMD Alumni will now receive their smart diplomas, generated via KeeeX by one click operations. All participants remain in absolute control of the certified documents and proofs. The whole scheme is fully operational in the current KeeeX Tigon.

EMD will be relieved from responding to diploma validity inquiries.

KeeeX v3 ‘Tigon’ is live !

KeeeX v3 ‘Tigon’ is live !

We’re extremely proud and happy to have you on our side and welcome you on this blog.

The KeeeX team has been hard at work to release what we believe is among the most beautiful collaboration tools ever. It combines the power of a rich and agile professional instant messenger, fully private file sharing, versioning, chaining, tagging, commenting, approving, signing, timestamping, integrity…

The new KeeeX v3.0 is called ‘Tigon’, from the name of a delicate heart shaped flower, or sometimes of an hybrid of a lion and a tiger. It provides unprecedented ease of use, to initiate an instant chat, securely share a file, create a new version, manage a task list… All this without revealing a single byte of your data, in a decentralized way, beyond enterprise limits, without complex group or access rights, version name, date and password management. Away from email.

KeeeX Tigon also provides one clic timestamping over the Bitcoin blockchain of any contract, document, photograph, invention, creation, proof, copyright… You will create your own uses, or simply will love the fun of registering a selfie forever.

We also wish to inform you ahead of time that the current ‘Collaboration Launch’ plan allows for unlimited timestamping. Leak, cheat and tie-in free. Enjoy!

Laurent and the KeeeX team

KeeeX Now Supports FIDO U2F authentication

KeeeX Now Supports FIDO U2F authentication

As of  version 2.3.0 released end of January 2016, the amazing value of KeeeX if now further protected with universal 2 factor FIDO (the FIDO standard is promoted by the Fido Alliance). This means that you can use any FIDO device (as e.g. Neowave’s Keydo, Yubico’s key…) to protect your KeeeX account.

Further protecting your KeeeX account means protecting an amazing range of your unique serverless collaboration : messaging, chats, ECM (document and content management, versions, classification…), processes, search, integrity.

The Future of Data : Immutable and Connected, like a Blockchain

The Future of Data : Immutable and Connected, like a Blockchain

Two innovations that illustrate applications of immutable and connected data tend to widely disseminate in our lives. Can we complement or improve on this and what do we learn?

One is Git. Git is the most widely used version control system. The emphasis of Git on data integrity builds upon an underlying scheme called “content addressable storage” and Merkle trees.


Meeet KeeeX at FIC 2016 Stand G11 – Lille – 25&26 Jan 2016

Meeet KeeeX at FIC 2016 Stand G11 – Lille – 25&26 Jan 2016

Our brand new KeeeX now supports FIDO Universal 2 factor authentication. This means that your account is fully protected by the USB key in your pocket, and this covers the incredible sum of KeeeX features:

  • fully private messaging
  • amazing serverless file versioning, semantic organization and sharing (files stay yours)
  • incredibly fast search – never lose a file any more
  • 1-1 direct file transfer and encryption settings
  • ultra flexible process management (from simple “todo” to full fledged scrum or crm processes)
  • unique digital signatures with zero certificates
  • … and so much more to discover and to come

Come discover then enjoy the unique zero knowledge app that will help you detox your work.

Happy Collaborative Year 2016

Happy Collaborative Year 2016

The KeeeX team is happy to present you their best wishes for the new year 2016.

Of course we imagine that with a little help from KeeeX, you’ll experience collaboration to the highest quality standards.

With warm regards,

Ngu “Aoshi”, Françoise, Clément, Maxence and Laurent

The KeeeX Launch Christmas Referral Program

During 92 days, from the solstice on december 2015 the 22th to the equinox on march 2016 the 22th, earn two free ‘Collaboration’ license months for every new and active user that you invited to KeeeX by sending an email from within the app.

KeeeX Finalist Twice at World Smart Week Awards

KeeeX Finalist Twice at World Smart Week Awards

Meet us at World Smart Week, in Marseille, from the 15th to the 17th of September.

KeeeX is finalist in two categories of the Word Smart Week Awards!!!: Digital Identity & Cybersecurity, and Connected Security.

Note that Laurent Henocque is also talking in two collocated events:

World e-Id and Cybersecurity, Identity and Protection Services for Government, Mobility and Enterprise: How Social Certificates May Help Build Decentralized Trust.


Connect Security Word, Technologies for Trusted Mobility & Transactions: How One to One Sharing Enforces Secure Collaboration.

KeeeX 2.0 is available – the most unique Enterprise Social Network ever !

KeeeX 2.0 is available – the most unique Enterprise Social Network ever !

Well, this incredible release rocks !

You have discovered KeeeX in October 2014 as a unique Content Management System.
Then in February 2014 as a unique private by design sharing solution over any cloud or NFS drive.
Now you probably have the most amazing Enterprise Social Network ever, plus all that precedes.
This is not a beta anymore. Every new or existing personal user account gets two free months, starting now.

For company accounts, please contact us.

Enjoy 🙂

The KeeeX Team, proudly, with many thanks to all who trust and support us in many ways.

KeeeX + Twitter + Google = Easy Timestamping

KeeeX + Twitter + Google = Easy Timestamping

We had good news lately (2015 May the 19th exactly): Google indexes Twitter again!

  • Yahoo:  twitter-google-deal-tweets-search-results
  • Digitaltrends: google-twitter-search-results-news

So KeeeX provides the Digital Identity, Twitter provides the Date (and internal search), and Google independently confirms the date and provides global Search



To achieve this, we simply tweet the KeeeX Id of a document, adding the hashtag #kxts (for KeeeX TimeStamping).

So who needs to timestamp? When?

  • You’re a Photographer or Poet, Writer… and publish you Art: obtain the proof that you owned the original at a given date
  • You’re an Author, and need a proof that you owned a (possibly private) document before you communicate it to a tier
  • You’re an Inventor, Researcher, Company, and need a proof that you had an idea or document at a given date

And, yes, there are glorious ancestors, just check Wikipedia on Trusted Timestamping. For instance, Sir Isaac Newton shared the ‘hash’ 6accdae13eff7i3l9n4o4qrr4s8t12ux to Leibniz.

Today, I shared the unique IDX ticeh-mahof-tamob-gucan-lines-kumap…poxut. Via Twitter. Hopefully you will find this with Google.

Have fun timestamping using KeeeX, Twitter, with the help of a global search engine (waiting for more of them to index this kind of content)