KeeeX unveils D3P, latest-generation solution for digital product passport
PS: document keeexed and verifiable at https://services.keeex.me/verify
PS: document keeexed and verifiable at https://services.keeex.me/verify
The KeeeX Stories for Logistics blockchain traceability solution implements the DCSA standard.
It has been widely noticed and is of paramount importance that actors join efforts to foster interoperability through Data interchange formats. The DCSA https://dcsa.org/ has released Track and Trace standards for the global container shipping industry.
KeeeX Stories for Logistics implements this standard, among others, (Tradelens APIs, S3000L, UN/Cefact…) by means of publicly available open sourced Data Schema libraries. These libraries can be adapted, forked by users, merged on the basis of unforgeable keeexed specifications.
The port of Marseille Fos hosted on 17 September 2019 the final meeting to account for the successful experimentation of Blockchain technology for the transport of freight over the Mediterranean-Rhône-Saône axis (MeRS).
Original press release : Click here
Secure the transport chain.
This project, carried out by the Interministerial Delegation for the development of the Mediterranean-Rhône-Saône port and logistics axis as part of the work on the National Port Strategy driven by the government, aimed to experiment with a pilot demonstrator to test the security of the digital transport chain in order to improve the fluidity, safety and competitiveness of the supply chain and the intermodal delivery of goods on the Rhône / Saône axis
Dematerialize the process and the supply chain.
During the first half of 2019, the companies MGI, BuyCo and KeeeX successfully tested the dematerialisation of entire export processes between Lyon and the Grand Port Maritime de Marseille, a major logistics axis for France. The blockchain technology used, called KeeeX Stories, allows to register authenticated and verifiable sequences of supply chain events, data and documents produced and consumed by the parties that pertain to the transport of containers over the Rhône-Saône-Mediterranean axis. The tests were carried out thanks in particular to the participation of the KemOne, Alteo and Transcausse companies, and also to the road and river transport companies involved.
Improve traceability and measure ecological footprint.
The solution allows for the early sharing of documents, authenticated photographs, characteristic events and forecast information (on the loading of containers, their weight, origin and destination…), that help optimize the overall logistics process, provide new services and anticipate ever-increasing traceability requirements. For example, the solution also enables the exploitation of data from ships (pollution measures or CO2, certificates…) and the continuity with traceability needs incurred by last mile urban logistics and urban mobility.
Share a multimodal transport platform.
The information processed during the tests goes beyond the strict framework of the information currently exchanged (in sometimes non-optimal conditions) in the same situation. The provision of a mobile application for QRCodes flashing, character recognition, easy text entry and dates opens up possibilities for new sources of ROI, value and services to CCS operators, carriers, chargers, freight forwarders, barges, trucks, for instance by anticipating document creation and sharing, customs clearance, etc. Creating systematically authenticated, dated and verifiable data allows participants to be engaged in a digital process without worry. This generates significant gains for all players in the supply chain and allows us to envisage a shift to a higher scale.
Demonstrate French excellence in port innovation.
This pilot project was financed by the Banque des Territoires (Groupe Caisse des Depots), VNF (Voies Navigables de France), CNR (Compagnie Nationale du Rhône), and the GPMM (Grand Port Maritime de Marseille) which also coordinated its feasibility. This project was referenced by Le French Smart Port in Med, an approach to deploying the port innovation ecosystem co-led by the Port of Marseille Fos, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Marseille Provence and Aix-Marseille University.
* The experiment was carried out by three companies specializing in logistics, digital solutions for the transport chain and Blockchain technology:
Today 12.00 UTC might begin a possible Bitcoin blockchain fork to implement a larger block size and revert on the Segwit implementation (resources here : https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Segregated_Witness). Details about the fork are visible here : https://www.bitcoincash.org/.
We at KeeeX have long committed to Bitcoin as the safest of all blockchains, and the fork would not impact previous timestamps and anchors (visible at https://services.keeex.me/timestamps), nor impact future anchors. We shall continue using the main Bitcoin chain in the near future, also because Segwit is meaningful to us, as it resolves the transaction malleability issue that when occurring would have impacted the access to our blockchain timestamps.
You can watch the event occur in real time at https://www.btcforkmonitor.info/
For the first time ever, BIP32 hierarchical deterministic wallets can be used to self define, publish, and revoke a cryptographic identity. This identity can be used to generate one time signatures for every item signed, hence achieving unprecedented signature security.
The identity is defined as the public master key of any node in a bip32 tree. This pub key can be shared, published at will, for instance on social networks.
Every signature can be traced to the corresponding public master key without ever exposing the corresponding private master key.
To test, you may download our demo file, then verify it on https://verify.keeex.io, and hopefully search the web for the master identity used: xpub6BBj7rHc3YY3v3Xxj4B7UHSuM6bQJSPugj3BRY7yaHEZg8HDSEkoBfWJqbbXCB9ECjcJp3vV1CzrPmMdeLCGRLRTsvu5suE5UbbrYHg9D4p
(this document is for use in french)
Au format pdf ici :communique-de-presse-keeex-ces-2017-las-vegas-2016-11-10-lh-xolab-laget
Depuis sa généralisation, le web est devenu le réceptacle de toutes les informations mondiales, des plus anodines aux plus stratégiques. Sur les réseaux sociaux, les serveurs, le cloud, tout y est ! Et la cyber-sécurité, sur un réseau ouvert qui n’a jamais été conçu pour protéger autant de données, est devenue un enjeu mondial.
KeeeX propose une technologie de sécurisation et gestion des échanges et données de toute nature (tchat, photo, vidéo, documents, données techniques…). Les données sont certifiées intègres, signées et interconnectées par injection sans altération ni effet visible d’éléments d’authentification blockchain. Elles sont de plus chiffrées de bout en bout pour des échanges privés par conception et par défaut, et naturellement datées sur la blockchain. Une technologie compatible avec les plus hautes exigences réglementaires européennes qui résiste depuis plus de 6 mois à des hackers-experts…
Selon l’étude Risk-Value 2016, une cyberattaque coûte en moyenne 773.000€ à une entreprise. Chaque jour, ce sont 177.300 attaques qui sont recensées, et en 2013, Europol estimait déjà que la cybercriminalité rapportait à ses auteurs 290 milliards d’euros dans le monde… Les usurpations d’identité, les contrefaçons et les litiges se multiplient à mesure qu’Internet se déploie (1 milliard de photos sont publiées chaque jour sur le réseau…). Les banques, les assurances, les collectivités locales et les administrations sont dans une obligation croissante de jouer le rôle de « tiers de confiance ». Au-delà, tout le droit lié à la véracité des contrats est impacté, et les juristes sont de plus en plus confrontés à des litiges qui s’appuient sur les failles du réseau et des systèmes d’information.
Pour les particuliers, Internet devient synonyme d’escroquerie, de contrefaçon et d’usurpation d’identité. Le web est-il en train de devenir une zone de non-droit ? Si les entreprises et l’humanité ont tiré un immense profit d’Internet, l’année 2017 est à la croisée des chemins : l’e-mail commence à dégrader la productivité, les coûts induits par la cybercriminalité explosent, les nuisances numériques augmentent sur les réseaux sociaux… La confiance en Internet est en train de disparaître, au risque de sacrifier le réseau lui-même.
KeeeX est la seule technologie blockchain permettant d’affecter à chaque donnée intégrité, identité, signatures et chainage autoportés. Le principe de la blockchain consiste à chainer les données via un faisceau de relations cryptographiques. Avec KeeeX, le marqueur (l’ADN) de la donnée y est intégré en profondeur, la rendant infalsifiable. Sur cette base technologique brevetée internationalement, KeeeX propose une suite de solutions de confiance blockchain dans les données totalement opérationnelle, permettant de compléter tout processus industriel ou humain par une confiance totale et immuable dans l’intégrité, les signatures et les dates. Et de délivrer des services de collaboration agile de première qualité qui laissent les données à leurs utilisateurs.
L’application de collaboration agile KeeeX ChatOps est disponible par abonnement et permet de placer sous contrôle total chiffrement et certification de sa messagerie instantanée, des documents et données, y compris au-dessus de clouds non-sécurisés. La solution ne nécessite aucune modification du système d’information existant. Sur le CES 2017, KeeeX présentera Photo Proof, une solution permettant de certifier une photo (propriétaire, appareil de prise, jour, date, lieu…) et d’obtenir une preuve de date sur la blockchain Bitcoin sans opération supplémentaire. Pour le grand public les applications de Photo Proof sont considérables : location de véhicule, état des lieux entrant dans un logement, protection des photos publiées sur Internet… Mais pour les entreprises, cette application complète la possibilité offerte par l’ensemble de l’offre KeeeX de disposer de documents véritables (diplômes, contrats, factures, feuilles de paye, multi-signatures, certificats de date…) par la preuve photographique de situations réelles : sinistres, constats de dégâts, malfaçons, maintenance technique…
Le problème de la confiance sur Internet est un problème mondial. Il est de nature juridique. Les professionnels du droit ont besoin de nouveaux référentiels pour instruire les litiges de plus en plus nombreux qui naissent du développement d’Internet comme zone de non droit. La Legal Tech dont KeeeX est le fleuron français a pour mission de permettre au Web de continuer d’exister, en le soumettant aux règles du droit et de la justice.
KeeeX exposera du 5 au 8 janvier 2017 sur le CES de Las Vegas, au sein de l’Eureka Park, l’espace dédié aux 500 meilleures startups mondiales sélectionnées par la CTA (Consumer Technology Association). KeeeX occupe le stand 51655.
Come meet us at CES, January 5-8 2017, Eureka Park, Booth 51655.
Let’s meet there so you can discover our unprecedented, today unbelievable fully operational blockchain trust solutions that address embedded document integrity, multi signatures, Blockchain identities and timestamps as well as ultra secure agile collaboration.
Available for human as well as back office certified business processes.
Oh, and KeeeX still leaves all data on your side and always will. Cheat and Leak free.
The concept of a Blockchain, this unforgeable ledger freely available to all over the internet, provides the framework that allowed the crypto currency Bitcoin to emerge and operate. This is a tremendous innovation because the network of miners that secure the blockchain is in theory totally insensitive to any pressure, and the theoretical cost of attacking this network is very high (one million dollars per day is a frequently seen figure, not including many more other difficulties).
The idea of an autonomous peer to peer system has proved its resilience in the past. The BitTorrent protocol is a good unstoppable example. The idea of protecting data using cryptographic computations also proved its usefulness, as illustrated by BitTorrent again, and the Git version management system. Bitcoin validates its underlying blockchain in the most spectacular way : the system operates since 2009 with a market capitalization that tops $8.5B at the time of this writing. Bitcoin may well be the most attacked cryptographically based solution on earth.
It has become common to compare Bitcoin with electronic gold, since this currency is by design limited in volume, and its blockchain is more adapted (today) to a limited number of large transfers rather than to many micro transactions. However, with its robustness, this blockchain is also suitable for recording unforgeable proofs of existence, registered for eternity.
Every identifier, every code representing a virtual or real item may find its way to the blockchain, at the date given by the worldwide consensus of blockchain miners.
One may thus notarize (smart) diplomas, bills, contracts, pictures, proofs of insurance claims, identity, ownership. The applications are numerous to environments structurally devoid of trusted tiers. For instance, geographic areas having no land registry can be equipped straightforwardly. The blockchain allows for absolute confidence between individuals who do not know each other.
So, the most positive look that we can have on this technology is naturally ethical. The blockchain not only appears as an enabler, a source of savings, but also as a foundation for pacified relationships, within the economy, the industry, with official administrations, and for the respect of individual rights. This is so because, by granting a proof of existence to an entity, contract, signature, decision, agreement… at a given time, and without any risk of fraud, the blockchain eliminates up to the temptation of bad faith or lies.
The blockchain hence becomes an immaterial handshake, a man to man agreement even in a distance. A simple chat, once notarized, becomes an indisputable contract. The blockchain turns the virtual world again into the village that it had ceased to be.
We are proud to announce that EMD Management has chosen KeeeX to provide certified smart diplomas to their students. Such smart diplomas can be verified as genuine at any point in the future by anyone, by just matching the Bitcoin blockchain ledger with the verified document and timestamp certificate. This operation simply amounts to dropping them on the free version of KeeeX.
The deal was concluded by Xavier Palou (EMD Director) and Laurent Henocque (KeeeX founder), by mutually digitally signing and blockchain timestamping a digital agreement, created in the form of a simple KeeeX discussion. The timestamp certificate can be found here, then downloaded and verified.
The EMD Alumni will now receive their smart diplomas, generated via KeeeX by one click operations. All participants remain in absolute control of the certified documents and proofs. The whole scheme is fully operational in the current KeeeX Tigon.
EMD will be relieved from responding to diploma validity inquiries.
We’re extremely proud and happy to have you on our side and welcome you on this blog.
The KeeeX team has been hard at work to release what we believe is among the most beautiful collaboration tools ever. It combines the power of a rich and agile professional instant messenger, fully private file sharing, versioning, chaining, tagging, commenting, approving, signing, timestamping, integrity…
The new KeeeX v3.0 is called ‘Tigon’, from the name of a delicate heart shaped flower, or sometimes of an hybrid of a lion and a tiger. It provides unprecedented ease of use, to initiate an instant chat, securely share a file, create a new version, manage a task list… All this without revealing a single byte of your data, in a decentralized way, beyond enterprise limits, without complex group or access rights, version name, date and password management. Away from email.
KeeeX Tigon also provides one clic timestamping over the Bitcoin blockchain of any contract, document, photograph, invention, creation, proof, copyright… You will create your own uses, or simply will love the fun of registering a selfie forever.
We also wish to inform you ahead of time that the current ‘Collaboration Launch’ plan allows for unlimited timestamping. Leak, cheat and tie-in free. Enjoy!
Laurent and the KeeeX team
As of version 2.3.0 released end of January 2016, the amazing value of KeeeX if now further protected with universal 2 factor FIDO (the FIDO standard is promoted by the Fido Alliance). This means that you can use any FIDO device (as e.g. Neowave’s Keydo, Yubico’s key…) to protect your KeeeX account.
Further protecting your KeeeX account means protecting an amazing range of your unique serverless collaboration : messaging, chats, ECM (document and content management, versions, classification…), processes, search, integrity.