The KeeeX Blockchain at the service of the art

The KeeeX Blockchain at the service of the art

Since October 17, the Blockchain Patrimonia app by Monuma is available in the stores!

This app uses the KeeeX technology to certify proofs of state of pieces of art and of rooms containing such. It also protects the expert reports and appraisals.

With Blockchain Patrimonia, you can appraise the value and authenticity of your works of art and furniture but also value the entire property estate heritage of your home. The pictures taken by Blockchain Patrimonia are sent automatically by the app to the expert upon request.

Blockchain Patrimonia allows you to have a blockchain art expert in your pocket in real time 24/24 7/7

Should you wish to verify them independently from the app or transfer them, it suffices to share them by email or a cloud service and verify them at or better using our ChatOps app. There you will find all the necessary information: author, geolocation, timestamp …

Make a statement, authenticate, geolocate and timestamp your photographic proofs has never been so simple than using the outstanding KeeeX blockchain technology.

How can KeeeX simplify your GDPR compliance ?

How can KeeeX simplify your GDPR compliance ?

It is difficult to get a clear view about the new European General Data Protection Regulation. Below is a summary of essential information to understand to enter your GDPR compliance process, followed by details on how KeeeX can make it ultra simple.


Using the KeeeX technology, the Data Protection Officer (DPO) can easily:

•respond to audit requests concerning personal data processing and location.

•respond to personal data recovery, transfer and destruction requests in a timely manner.

•prevent and detect data violations, including on the dark web.

The informed consent of the user can be collected with unprecedented levels of quality: a user’s electronic signature applies to exact and easily verifiable documents, and produces blockchain traceable standalone proof records.

The identity of a user is self-sovereign. Her interaction with the service requires only the strict necessary elements, and may even remain pseudonymous (health data).

Respect for privacy and industrial property is ultimate: processing is made locally and shares are end to end encrypted.

01. Proof of Consent

What is this? Consent is an active and explicit  user process that must be free, specific, and informed. In an online form, it can materialize, for example, by a checkbox, unchecked by default.

KeeeX Solution : KeeeX embeds within every  file a unique and humanized identifier that can easily and freely be verified without trusted tier. Consent now applies to exact and guaranteed documents.  This requires KeeeX Core, KeeeX ChatOps or our Proof of Consent module


02. Data Location

What is this? In order to return data to a user as quickly as possible, companies must know the exact location of personal data at any time.

KeeeX Solution : KeeeX embeds unique identifiers and  tags inside files to easily locate the data related to your customer, even in deep company filesystems or application silos, ultimately by using low level system commands. This is available using KeeeX Core, KeeeX ChatOps or KaaaS

03. Pseudonymization

What is this? Pseudonymization helps telling apart personal data from other irrelevant information. Pseudonymization generates an identification key that allows to establish the link between various personal information sources.

KeeeX Solution : The use of blockchain identities allows for total user control over their identities used in connection with web services or portals: Requires KeeeX Identities, Blockchain anchors and Timestamps

04. Data Portability

What is this? Users have the right to claim all the personal data they have provided to a service, in a structured format, preferably user machine-readable. They also have the right to transmit this data to another processing manage.

KeeeX Solution : KeeeX embeds within every file unique identifiers that make their location a snap. All our apps also fully leave data on user’s side, which renders the requirement satisfied by default.

05. Privacy by design 

What is this? Data protection requirements must be taken into account by organizations as early as since the design stage of their products, services and systems.

KeeeX Solution : All KeeeX solutions leave data on user’s side. When data transfer is involved, as in KeeeX ChatOps for instance, it is performed using state of the art end to end encryption. Data is shared using peer to peer zero knowledge procedures.

06. Accountability 

What is this ? Accountability is the obligation made for companies to implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure that the treatment of personal data is performed under the Regulation, and be able to demonstrate.

KeeeX Solution : All KeeeX solutions embed within each file regardless of their format a unique identifier so that data can be traced on premises without third parties. Proof of deletion for instance is straightforward to demonstrate.

Our users will stay unaffected by Bitcoin Cash possible fork today

Our users will stay unaffected by Bitcoin Cash possible fork today

Today 12.00 UTC might begin a possible Bitcoin blockchain fork to implement a larger block size and revert on the Segwit implementation (resources here : Details about the fork are visible here :

We at KeeeX have long committed to Bitcoin as the safest of all blockchains, and the fork would not impact previous timestamps and anchors (visible at, nor impact future anchors. We shall continue using the main Bitcoin chain in the near future, also because Segwit is meaningful to us, as it resolves the transaction malleability issue that when occurring would have impacted the access to our blockchain timestamps.

You can watch the event occur in real time at

KeeeX joins Blockchain season 1 of Start@SystemX !

KeeeX joins Blockchain season 1 of Start@SystemX !

After joining LaBChain, the 1st European Blockchain Consortium, KeeeX continues its development strategy and demonstrates the interest of many sectors in its technology. The startup integrates the Blockchain season 1 of the System @ IRX Start @ SystemX program!

This initiative gives to selected startups the opportunity to work with industrial and academic partners of the IRT SystemX.

IRT SystemX is positioning itself as an accelerator of digital transformation. Focusing on the digital engineering of the future systeme, its research projects cover the scientific and technological stakes of the transport and mobility, energy, digital security and communications industrial sectors.

For 6 months, Start@SystemX and its partners are launching several objectives:

  • Bringing in and developing new uses, particularly in logistics, connected cars, energy or mobility, including associated document management;
  • Develop new hardware and/or software security solutions, including identity management, data confidentiality, encrypted data processing, formal proof of smart contracts or zero-knowledge disclosure;
  • Developing innovative cross-transactional architecture and interoperability of blockchain technologies (examples: state channel, sidechains, chains in graph form, etc.).

By integrating its technology engine into the Blockchain for Smart Transactions platform, KeeeX will enable its partners to use its embedded digital signature technology to certify data and documents and to enable traceability of the various processes.

KeeeX joins LaBChain, the first European Blockchain consortium!

KeeeX joins LaBChain, the first European Blockchain consortium!

Dedicated to Blockchain technology, it brings together today bankers, asset managers, insurers, mutualists, start-ups, industrial companies and associations.

Created by the Caisse des dépôts in December 2015, LabChain is an innovation laboratory dedicated to distributed ledger technology. It aims at factoring exploration approaches and collectively anticipating the opportunities and impacts of this technological breakthrough.

This initiative supports the development of the French ecosystem in Blockchain technology by organizing its work around partnerships between large groups and start-ups.

The LabChain consortium organizes :

– a “Do Tank”, where each partner provides resources to identify and prototype, in agile mode, possible implementation scenarios of this technology, and shares concrete and feasible use cases implemented by one or more of the Blockchain stakeholders. Today, several experiments (POC) have been carried out or are under way, notably on digital identity and KYC or the collateral securities management.

– a “Think Tank” to answer the questions raised by the work of the “Do Tank” and to improve the understanding of the stakes of this technology, in connection with institutional regulatory partners.

Meet us at FIC 2017 – January 24th – 25th, 2017 – Lille

Meet us at FIC 2017 – January 24th – 25th, 2017 – Lille

Partner of the International Cybersecurity Forum, we exhibit in innovation space on 24-25 January on Booth D3 with start-ups and SMEs that are developing tomorrow’s security technologies.

Exchange with us around cyber security and Blockchain and test our applications : KeeeX ChatOps (ultra-secure collaboration), PhotoProof by KeeeX (Blockchain camera) and Keeex Core (our back office certification technology via API).

See you soon !

KeeeX Deploys Bitcoin BIP32 Self Sovereign Identity

KeeeX Deploys Bitcoin BIP32 Self Sovereign Identity

For the first time ever, BIP32 hierarchical deterministic wallets can be used to self define, publish, and revoke a cryptographic identity. This identity can be used to generate one time signatures for every item signed, hence achieving unprecedented signature security.

How it works

The identity is defined as the public master key of any node in a bip32 tree. This pub key can be shared, published at will, for instance on social networks.

Every signature can be traced to the corresponding public master key without ever exposing the corresponding private master key.

A demo

To test, you may download our demo file, then verify it on, and hopefully search the web for the master identity used: xpub6BBj7rHc3YY3v3Xxj4B7UHSuM6bQJSPugj3BRY7yaHEZg8HDSEkoBfWJqbbXCB9ECjcJp3vV1CzrPmMdeLCGRLRTsvu5suE5UbbrYHg9D4p

You can play with BIP32 here.

Further reading

And view the BIP32 specifications there.

Meet our team at Trustech Cannes Nov 29 – Dec 1

Meet our team at Trustech Cannes Nov 29 – Dec 1

We will exhibit at Trustech Cannes with Pole SCS from November 29th to December 1st.

Let’s meet us on Booth Lerins C-008 !

We will demo our brand new solutions KeeeX ChatOps (smart and secure collaboration tool), Photo Proof by KeeeX (the Blockchain camera app) and KeeeX Core (process traceability in back office).

See you there !

Meet KeeeX at CES 2017 Las Vegas

Meet KeeeX at CES 2017 Las Vegas

Come meet us at CES, January 5-8 2017, Eureka Park, Booth 51655.

Let’s meet there so you can discover our unprecedented, today unbelievable fully operational blockchain trust solutions that address embedded document integrity, multi signatures, Blockchain identities and timestamps as well as ultra secure agile collaboration.

Available for human as well as back office certified business processes.

Oh, and KeeeX still leaves all data on your side and always will. Cheat and Leak free.

The Blockchain : from Crypto Currency to Collaboration Ethics

The concept of a Blockchain, this unforgeable ledger freely available to all over the internet, provides the framework that allowed the crypto currency Bitcoin to emerge and operate. This is a tremendous innovation because the network of miners that secure the blockchain is in theory totally insensitive to any pressure, and the theoretical cost of attacking this network is very high (one million dollars per day is a frequently seen figure, not including many more other difficulties).

The idea of an autonomous peer to peer system has proved its resilience in the past. The BitTorrent protocol is a good unstoppable example. The idea of protecting data using cryptographic computations also proved its usefulness, as illustrated by BitTorrent again, and the Git version management system. Bitcoin validates its underlying blockchain in the most spectacular way : the system operates since 2009 with a market capitalization that tops $8.5B at the time of this writing. Bitcoin may well be the most attacked cryptographically based solution on earth.

It has become common to compare Bitcoin with electronic gold, since this currency is by design limited in volume, and its blockchain is more adapted (today) to a limited number of large transfers rather than to many micro transactions. However, with its robustness, this blockchain is also suitable for recording unforgeable proofs of existence, registered for eternity.

Every identifier, every code representing a virtual or real item may find its way to the blockchain, at the date given by the worldwide consensus of blockchain miners.

One may thus notarize (smart) diplomas, bills, contracts, pictures, proofs of insurance claims, identity, ownership. The applications are numerous to environments structurally devoid of trusted tiers. For instance, geographic areas having no land registry can be equipped straightforwardly. The blockchain allows for absolute confidence between individuals who do not know each other.

So, the most positive look that we can have on this technology is naturally ethical. The blockchain not only appears as an enabler, a source of savings, but also as a foundation for pacified relationships, within the economy, the industry, with official administrations, and for the respect of individual rights. This is so because, by granting a proof of existence to an entity, contract, signature, decision, agreement… at a given time, and without any risk of fraud, the blockchain eliminates up to the temptation of bad faith or lies.

The blockchain hence becomes an immaterial handshake, a man to man agreement even in a distance. A simple chat, once notarized, becomes an indisputable contract. The blockchain turns the virtual world again into the village that it had ceased to be.


KeeeX records proofs of your photos on the Bitcoin #blockchain

KeeeX records proofs of your photos on the Bitcoin #blockchain

KeeeX records at will proofs of existence of any of your files on the Bitcoin blockchain. On course, one may use this for very serious things : contracts, certified diplomas, minibonds, proofs of ownership or insurance claims…

But we may use this to immortalize our selfies forever! Specially with the latest KeeeX for Android beta, that is readily available. One full month free testing under the current terms.

For photographers and authors KeeeX also allows for injecting your copyright settings straight inside the document you’re publishing.

(Photo credit David Blackwell – Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic – Thanks)