![File timestamping: Date your creations to protect your intellectual property](https://keeex.me/wp-content/uploads/keeex-site-web-article-blog-horodatage-des-fichiers-1080x675.avif)
File timestamping: Date your creations to protect your intellectual property
Intellectual property has become a strategic issue in a world where innovations and creations are often immaterial. In this context, timestamping of files is a key solution to protect your ideas and prove their authorship. By guaranteeing a precise date, timestamping can provide solid proof in the event of a dispute, thus proving the existence of your creation on a given date.
Why is file timestamping essential for intellectual property?
Set file timestamp
Document timestamping involves recording the precise date and time of the creation or last modification of an electronic document. This process ensures that data was created at a given time, and demonstrates its integrity over the long term.
Also read: our article on data integrity
In legal terms, timestamping a file can, for example, provide indisputable proof of its existence on a given date, in the event of a dispute or litigation. In other words, timestamping is a way to certify the priority of the development over copies or counterfeits, thus providing additional protection against plagiarism.
Difference between timestamp and blockchain anchor
Traditional timestamping and blockchain anchoring are two complementary methods. Timestamping simply records the precise date of creation or modification of a document, while blockchain anchoring provides proof of existence on a given date without a trusted third party.
In a blockchain anchoring system, a time-stamped file is anchored in an immutable chain of blocks. A more or less significant time interval may be necessary before the transaction is actually recorded in a block.
The challenges of intellectual property in the digital age
In an environment where the majority of productions are now digital, protecting intellectual property is becoming a major challenge. Innovations in the fields of technology, arts, or scientific research are often intangible, making them vulnerable to theft or identity theft.
The use of timestamping documents makes it possible to enhance the value of intangible assets such as patents, artistic productions or research and development (R&D) projects. Coupled with a digital signature, this provides tangible proof of the authorship and priority of the productions. Companies can thus secure their intangible assets and protect their ideas from competitors.
Protecting your creations and innovations with timestamping
1. Proving the anteriority of a work or an innovation
One of the major benefits of timestamping is its ability to establish the priority of a creation or innovation. By timestamping a file at the time of its conception, a company or creator can demonstrate the existence of an idea or work at a specific date, which constitutes legal proof in jurisdictions that accept timestamping as evidence.
In the context of research and development, it is common for companies to use timestamping systems to protect their discoveries.
2. Secure the company’s R&D and intangible assets
Companies invest heavily in research and development, making it a particularly sensitive field for theft or plagiarism. Using a timestamping service helps protect intangible assets by recording each step of creation and modification of research data.
Tools such as the electronic laboratory notebook (such as eLabFTW) are widely used in scientific sectors to document research work.
3. Protection of intellectual property against competition
In a competitive business environment, innovations are often copied or reproduced quickly. Time-stamping documents provides essential protection, demonstrating that creations or innovations were made on a specific date, well before any reproduction. After that, it is impossible to change the date and time of the electronic document.
Anchor certificates can be used to protect patents, designs, models or other types of information. This provides trust, security and provides a strong legal barrier against attempts to steal intellectual property or prevent competitors from doing so.
Soleau envelope and digital envelope
Presentation of the Soleau envelope
The Soleau envelope, proposed by the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI), allows to protect information by timestamping it using a physical deposit system. Although this system is useful, it has constraints: processing costs and the need to repeat the operation after a certain period of time are examples.
Introducing the Digital Envelope
Faced with the limits of the Soleau envelope, digital alternatives have emerged. Digital envelopes such as KeeeX allow files to be timestamped directly online, providing faster access and better traceability.
Timestamping Standards and Their Importance in Legal Protection
RFC3161 Timestamping: A Reference Standard for Dating Your Documents
Timestamping based on the RFC3161 standard is widely recognized for guaranteeing the integrity and authenticity of documents. This standard, used by KeeeX, makes it possible to irrefutably establish that a document was created or modified at a given time.
eIDAS qualified timestamp: evidence recognized by the courts
The eIDAS regulation allows a timestamp to be qualified as a legal evidence in Europe. This recognition gives the qualified timestamp a presumption of legal validity in litigation cases. Using a qualified timestamp can be useful for companies operating internationally.
How timestamping works with KeeeX
With KeeeX, timestamping is done smoothly and securely. Companies can timestamp their documents using several options: system date, timestamping based on the RFC3161 standard or qualified timestamping via eIDAS. The process also offers blockchain anchoring for enhanced protection.
The role of timestamping in the valuation of intangible assets
Intangible assets and company competitiveness
Intangible assets are now essential elements of business competitiveness. Timestamping helps protect and enhance these assets by providing proof of their authenticity, thereby increasing the company’s value on the market.
Timestamping and Copyright Management
Automatically setting the time and date associated with an event is also used to protect copyright. In industries such as publishing or audiovisual production, timestamping documents can certify that a work was created on a specific date and time. This ensures that the creator or publisher holds the rights to the work as of that date.
Using the electronic laboratory notebook for R&D
The electronic laboratory notebook is an indispensable tool in the field of scientific research. It allows to document each step of the discoveries, to provide access to information with time-stamped traceability, thus ensuring the protection of innovations.
Timestamping and Legal Compliance in an International Framework
Comply with international legal requirements
With the globalization of trade and the increase in legal protection of creations, it is crucial to comply with international standards. Timestamping coupled with blockchain anchoring makes it possible to prove the authenticity of a document or information, even in international legal contexts.
Guarantee the long-term protection of your creations
Case Study: How Companies Protect Their Intellectual Property with Timestamping
Case study of an innovative company in the field of research
A company in the scientific sector used KeeeX to timestamp its research work and protect its inventions. By securing the results of their experiments, they were able to demonstrate the anteriority of their discoveries during a dispute over the paternity of an invention.
Study in the field of artistic creation
In the artistic field, artists and creators have used KeeeX to protect their works, including illustrations and digital content.
Timestamping as a key solution for intellectual property protection
Anticipate and protect yourself to enhance your creations
Timestamping is a key element in the protection of intangible assets. Whether for scientific, artistic or technological documents, this method makes it possible to demonstrate the anteriority of a creation, to secure intellectual property, and to promote innovations. The solutions proposed by KeeeX make it possible to add an additional dimension by combining timestamping and blockchain anchoring, thus guaranteeing robust protection against any form of dispute.
Adopting timestamping solutions means protecting yourself against future disputes and effectively promoting your creations in a competitive environment.