What are the origins of the word KeeeX?
‘KeeeX’ is nothing more than a slightly futuristic variant of ‘key’. The tag was used as a metadata marker in the KeeeX project since inception (you may find ‘keeex’ and its companion ‘xeeek’ inside keeexed files).
What does the verb 'to keeex' mean?
To ‘keeex’ means a combination of ‘claim’ authorship, ‘link’ to other documents, ‘lock’ or ‘secure’ the contents, authorship, links – forever. A perfect foundation of trust in a document.
Why does KeeeX have 3 'e's?
Because we are talking about a revolution leading to the web 3.0. And because Google had 2 ‘o’s.
I keeexed a file, but it has not changed, why?
KeeeX will not by default update the file in place. Instead it creates a copy, by default in the same folder as your original, or in the KeeeX/signed folder, or in a folder of your choice. All these locations may be subject to the backup/sync system of your choice for personal replication and safeguarding.
Why not sign the file in place?
A keeexed file is not meant to be edited. Indeed we offer a mechanism to prove that it has never been modified since keeexing. However, it may often be the case that the file you keeex is still active in your editor, hence could be at risk of immediate change by autosave or inadvertently.
Where do I find keeexed files?
By default in the in the same as your original, or the KeeeX/signed folder, or in a folder of your choice.
How do I find keeexed files (or do I really need to know where they are)?
This is the great news. You will always know part of the key for a given document version. Just search this on your file system. Good content based indexing operating systems will let you find the files even if the name has changed.
Can I rename these files?
Yes, KeeeX really doesn’t care for the name. You may also remove the key words that were added. KeeeX is concerned by the file contents alone. Your file system’s search engine should also let you find files by their embedded keywords as well. But it may fall in difficulty if you suppress all mentions of the file key in the name.
Note that if you rename a keeexed file, it is good practice to inform the app of the change by dropping the file over it
Can I move these files?
Yes of course, and also send them, write them to usb for sharing etc…
Note that if you move a keeexed file, it is good practice to inform the app of the change by dropping the file over it.
I find a keeexed file, what do I know?
If you never heard about its keeex id, you just know whether the file has been modified or not since keeexing. However, the good news is that you’ll see that in collaboration you always know at least part of the keeex id 🙂 So now you know that you hold the right file!
I find a keeexed file containing digital (PKI) signature, what do I know?
Then you also know that the person who keeexed and signed had access to the hardware and password of the declared author. So there is a rather strong probability that you know who the author is.
Where does the protection of KeeeX stem from?
KeeeX is efficient because a document’s keeex id will always be published or shared. For instance shared in an email, or published as a reference in one or many other documents. So you always know what you are looking for, and once found, you can assert it is what it pretends to be.
Why does KeeeX create the Mine...txt file?
This file will be used by default as a reference in all the files that you sign. It thus provides a concept used to filter everything you create. Also, you are the only person able to produce the secret content of this file, which could be a simple way to prove your authorship.
Can I be impersonated?
A message or file seemingly originated from you was produced by someone having access to your hardware and KeeeX password, plus Fido key if available.
Why does KeeeX modify the file name?
For two reasons:
- system search works faster and better on some platforms using the file name,
- system search works poorly or not on some file system / file type combinations when the keeex metadata cannot be placed in an indexed position
Does keeex rely upon the file name?
No, changing the file name (and potentially removing the KeeeX key details) will not harm the possibility of verifying it. Only system search may be impaired.
When a file is keeexed, or new version is created, do the other users get the document?
No. There is no such notion as ‘the other users’ since KeeeX is essentially a peer to peer exchange system. However you have contacts. A keeexed file can hence be shared intentionally with some contacts. KeeeX might automatically suggest sharing with the users aware of a previous version. However, the author of the previous version will be notified three times: when you verify ‘his’ file, or start, or keeex a new version.
How can we ensure that the person who keeexes a document is who she pretends?
Impersonating a user requires gaining access to his hardware and credentials. This is so in the presence of PKI or certificate based signatures. Most often however in business situations, a document arrives in complement of data and information about its name (e.g. xopuk) from another channel (an email, SMS, phone call etc.). This forms a perfect authentication scheme since a keeex id cannot be counterfeited (it is impossible to produce a document with the same id).
Witnesses of the operation may warrant/dispute the author authenticity by referring to the document in another and sharing this. This may serve as a strong social authenticity scheme over time, even when the document is discovered in the absence of a second authenticating channel as above.
How can a trust relationship emerge between two users about a keeexed document?
Simply by sharing the file idx using a second channel, maybe analogic (like the phone, an SMS, an email, an handwritten letter, etc…) Most often, sharing the first name (or last, or second…) in a keeex id will suffice.
Does the user session expire in the app?
Currently, the app remembers the user email address when leaving. There is no auto logout nor autolock.
Can you explain your policy concerning the choice of a target folder for edited and keeexed files?
There are two options, available from the settings: the user can opt for the folder where the original currently resides, or a centralized folder (by default ‘KeeeX/signed’ for keeexed documents).
By choosing the latter option, the user may automatically synchronize his important versions on a cloud or backup. Using the former, he will find the files where his originals are.
Why create a new version when keeexing and not replace the original?
This is an important matter. Most editing software (think about your photos) preserve originals from replacement. KeeeX adds metadata inside files, which may be perceived as a potentially harmful operation over a big work. Keeexing an open document may fail, or the editor may reload the file, depending on the OS/Software combination. So we have a uniform safe behavior.
Also KeeeX complements a file’s name by the first fragments of the idx and creates read only documents (since a keeexed file is meant to be never modified of course).
Note that when a new version is keeexed, the app moves the temporary work file to a sub-folder. It also moves the previous version to another sub-folder. Thus preserving apparent order at top level.
Why do you over simplify the semantic notion of a 'concept' to simple references?
Because dealing with references does 90% of the job and is complex enough for the user. Dealing with inheritance hierarchies, types vs references, type inference, is just impossible to use in practice.
So with KeeeX, if something ‘is a car’, referencing the ‘car’ document is enough (and such a concept can be created on the fly). By placing the ‘car’ concept in the search, one will list all the documents referring to ‘car’, which is the expected behavior.
How to collaborate over a document located in a shared folder?
Normally: the sequence of keeexed versions will pile up in the shared folder if this is the selected option. Otherwise, the users must share their versions on a one to one basis.
It is advised to use share folders as sharing tunnels, and preserve local versions on each side. This provides a very safe redundancy backup.